Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Caryn Lin - Violinist at Fredricksen Library

A last minute discovery was the last of the Summer Concert Series on the lawn of the Fredricksen Library(  in Camp Hill, PA. It started at 7:30 pm. As expected, I didn't leave work until 7:30 pm, so I didn't get a chance to experience the whole set. After arriving, I settled in behind the seated crowd with my back against the brick wall of the library and pulled out my camera. I was only able to catch about two songs before she thanked everyone for coming. During those songs, I was able to capture a fair number of pictures. It was helpful that during one of the songs, she departed the stage and moved about the crowd which gave me different backgrounds to work with and some closer shots without having to move from my spot.
Caryn Lin is a classically trained violinist and has recieved a degree in violin from Northwestern University. She has studied extensively here in the states and abroad. She has released numerous CD's, has provided musical accompaniment and appeared in the motion picture  "Philadelphia," starring Tom Hanks. Caryn's genre is one of her own with herself having difficulty describing it. Her instrument isn't your classic violin but 4, 5,and 6 string electric violins. Her program which is performs in school assemblies, educational institutions, and a variety of other venues is called "From Bach 2 Rock" is for all ages and is more involved than I can do justice here. For more information about Caryn and her program visit her at:

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